And i almost had Cancer...-_______-"
17 Dec 2010 @ Friday, December 17, 2010
| 1 notes
I bet you all are wondering about the class video right??
Well everything is going well..I will try to complete it before the PMR results are out.
Its a goood thing that you are not the one who edit it...
Editing videos is such a pain in the ass right Jol??
To Manys>>
aku ingt ape kau ckp psal aku kat video tuh......-,-"

P/S: still traumatise....;D
And i almost had Cancer...-_______-"
17 Dec 2010 @ Friday, December 17, 2010
| 1 notes
I bet you all are wondering about the class video right??
Well everything is going well..I will try to complete it before the PMR results are out.
Its a goood thing that you are not the one who edit it...
Editing videos is such a pain in the ass right Jol??
To Manys>>
aku ingt ape kau ckp psal aku kat video tuh......-,-"

P/S: still traumatise....;D