A word from the Director....
21 Dec 2010 @ Tuesday, December 21, 2010
| 0 notes

I know all of you have been waiting for it..
And finally you guys got the video today..
I didn't sleep, eat nor pee just to make the video..
I tried to capture all of our moments together into one short video..
I know that it's not enough..
And I have tried my best to make the video a reality..
Hope you guys will like it..
But if the video did not meet your expectations...
I apologized..
To all the 3 Bestarians 2010..
I'd like to say thank you for everything..
I really glad that I get to know all of you..
you guys are the best..
2010 had been an awesome year with you guys..
Again..I apologize for all of the mistakes that I have done towards all of you..
And..wherever school that you're going to go..
Remember that we're still 3 Bestarians....
A word from the Director....
21 Dec 2010 @ Tuesday, December 21, 2010
| 0 notes

I know all of you have been waiting for it..
And finally you guys got the video today..
I didn't sleep, eat nor pee just to make the video..
I tried to capture all of our moments together into one short video..
I know that it's not enough..
And I have tried my best to make the video a reality..
Hope you guys will like it..
But if the video did not meet your expectations...
I apologized..
To all the 3 Bestarians 2010..
I'd like to say thank you for everything..
I really glad that I get to know all of you..
you guys are the best..
2010 had been an awesome year with you guys..
Again..I apologize for all of the mistakes that I have done towards all of you..
And..wherever school that you're going to go..
Remember that we're still 3 Bestarians....