To-morrow, To-morrow and To-morrow
22 Dec 2010 @ Wednesday, December 22, 2010
| 0 notes

O Allah...The mighty God..
Please help me...give me the strenght to go to school tomorrow to take my PMR result...
I dont really want to know my result...
And i know...there's no use to be chagrined for when your result will be out in less thn 12 hours...
p/s: Sorry guys...the video are running late because of my slow internet....-,-"
To-morrow, To-morrow and To-morrow
22 Dec 2010 @ Wednesday, December 22, 2010
| 0 notes

O Allah...The mighty God..
Please help me...give me the strenght to go to school tomorrow to take my PMR result...
I dont really want to know my result...
And i know...there's no use to be chagrined for when your result will be out in less thn 12 hours...
p/s: Sorry guys...the video are running late because of my slow internet....-,-"