25 Dec 2010 @ Saturday, December 25, 2010
| 0 notes

I'm starting to love Apple..not the fruit apple...The Steve Job's Apple...!
Just now that i realize why Apple products are expansive and overpriced..
I'm not talking about the iPhones nor the iPads..I'm talking about..Macintosh/Macs
What's so great about Mac you ask?? Well...
>Macs are faster than Windows..
>Macs wake up faster than Windows..
>Macs does not have viruses
>Macs can run Windows too..
here or watch
hereIn conclusion..YES..Macs are expansive..but you will get more value for your money with Macs..
Now..if that doesn't make you want to switch to Macs..i dont know what will..:p
mahal gilaa...

Macbook Air..
slim gilaa+
mahal gilaa..

mac mini..
ni kott yg aku mampu..or..just tukar PC aku gune Mac... Tapi x tahu cmne..-__________-"""